Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Arm Wrestling Technology

Oh, the irony that I work in IT. I'd like to say that I have an "electric personality" or some such quality that causes electric devices of any kind to short out and behave unpredictably when I'm nearby. As I regularly represent IT Application Enhancements to the business leaders in my company, I personally demonstrate that there are far worse things than performance issues or reports that don't reconcile. Those can be explained. But why I might be the only person in the room to lose network access, innocently stumble upon an undiscovered bug in MS Project during a training, or make an online reservation in Outlook for a meeting room only to discover that it has been inexplicably triple-booked, this can only boil down to one of two things: a) I was meant for a job in QA, or 2) these are simply classic examples of ID:10-T errors.

I say all this to explain why I have not yet managed to post any photos of my home on this blog, as promised. I can assure you, images of my surroundings and all the various stages through which they've gone as I've decorated, rearranged and gardened sit neatly organized in an album in iPhoto on my Mac. I have been loyal to Macintosh computers since my days at the University, when I became snobbishly devoted to their graphic arts superiority. I also found them at that time to be far more user friendly and intuitive than PC's. I actually considered myself rather quickly adaptive to new software at that time. But now I feel betrayed as I fail to figure out the key to simply uploading an image to my blog.

I may have landed on the best argument for needing a man.

1 comment:

  1. No way, Becca! If I can do it, so can you! Call Christopher and he'll talk you through it. Can't wait to see your pictures.

